CADexpress - an auxalia company

Acquisition of CADexpress by auxalia

CADexpress - an auxalia company

press release – Aug. 1, 2024 – ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands auxalia GmbH, a leading provider of digital solutions and services in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Dutch companies, ICN Solutions B.V., CADExpress B.V., ICN Systems B.V., ICN Development B.V., Job Engineers B.V. and Druchtman B.V., formerly part of the ICN Group.
The companies in the Netherlands will continue to operate under their current names for the time being, with the addition “an auxalia company”.
The employees, contacts and management will also remain active as before.
The ICN Group, which includes Archidome B.V., will remain available as you are used to, for the development of all your projects.

Partnership by conviction: That’s why ICN was chosen

auxalia chose to acquire ICN for several reasons.
Both companies share the same philosophy and values, always focusing on customer success.
The flat hierarchy, the open and direct internal communication of both companies, and the similar orientation make ICN an ideal candidate for a merger “The chemistry between the management teams, especially between the CEOs of both companies was excellent from the beginning” indicate both Andreas Hofherr (CEO auxalia ed.) and Laurens Liket (CEO ICN Group).

Expanding the Benelux market: Strategic benefits from the acquisition of ICN

The acquisition enables auxalia to further expand its market position in the Benelux region and expand its portfolio to include the areas of Design & Manufactoring (D&M) and hardware.
This is an important step in the growth strategy, as the expertise and comprehensive solutions in the areas of building technology, infrastructure and plant design will be further strengthened.
With the integration of ICN into the auxalia group, auxalia benefits from ICN’s years of experience and specialized knowledge on the Dutch market.
This enables an expansion of the offer with specialized Revit tools and the largest CAD web shop in the Benelux.
In addition, solutions in the field of sustainability can be further expanded, which is of great importance for the Dutch construction sector.
Joining one of Autodesk’s major European partners offers auxalia and the new colleagues at ICN additional growth opportunities and promotes cooperation across regions.
The common goal is to offer both customers and employees greater security and support.
The planned further growth also creates additional opportunities for employees’ personal and professional development.

Future prospects

Together with ICN, auxalia will further strengthen its position as a leading provider of digital solutions and services in the AEC and D&M sectors.
auxalia with branches in the countries Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands.
The bundled expertise of both companies enables auxalia to offer its clients even more comprehensive and innovative solutions with the experiences offered from all expertises and all branches within the auxalia group.

About auxalia

auxalia has been one of the leading Autodesk-based software suppliers for the construction industry in the DACH region since 1987.
As an Autodesk Platinum Partner and Autodesk Construction Cloud Elite Partner, we sell the complete Autodesk AEC and BIM portfolio.
In addition, we develop and sell our own applications, which purposefully complement and extend Autodesk solutions.
With our software, daily planning work, including in building engineering and plant3D design, can be done more efficiently and BIM processes can be more easily integrated and implemented.


ICN Group
Phone: +31(0) 73 750 6 750

auxalia GmbH
Phone: +49 40 970787-0

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